Topics: Settings
Open the app
Click on the Settings link in the navigation
Go to Tooltips Setting
Tooltips show up when you hover over a sold-out or unavailable variant. Below is an example of what tooltips look like.
Open the app
Click on the Settings link in the navigation
Go to the Sold Out Style Setting
Transparent will make the product option faded and have a dashed border
Crossed Out will make the product option have a red x through the product option
The sold out styling only works w...
Open Variant Option Product Options
Select Settings in our navigation
Go to Border Style Setting
This setting will change the styling of the borders for the buttons and swatches.
Round will make the product options have rounded border
Square will make the product options have ...
Since there are so many issues with Ajax Carts deleting our data, we have disabled these carts by default in our settings
Follow the directions below to change the Add to cart action settings.
Open Variant Option Product Options
Go to our Settings page
Go to Add to cart action
Open our app
Click on Settings in the navigation of our app
Edit the Circle Swatches Settings
Below is what the settings look like for image and color swatches.
Global Colors only work for Shopify Options
Global Colors Settings
Open the app
Click on Settings in the navigation
Go to the Global Colors Settings (bottom of the page)
1) Enter the product option titles that you want to change to color swatches. Separate the product option titles ...
Global options only work for Shopify Options
Global Auto Images Settings
You can set up Global Auto Images on the Settings page. This setting uses the variant images connected to the Shopify Option variants as image swatches.
Open the app
Click on Settings in the navigation
Go to t...
You can set up default settings for Shopify Options on the Settings page.
Open the app
Click on Settings link in the navigation
Select an option for Default Settings for Shopify Options
click Save (at the bottom of the page).
Default Setitngs only work for Shopify Options
How to turn on the Theme 2.0 Compatibility setting
Open the app
Click on Settings in the navigation
Scroll down almost to the bottom of the page
Click "On" for the "Theme 2.0 Compatibility" Setting
Click Save in the bottom right to save the settings
This setting should be on ...
Our last Virtual Option product option type is called Instructions.
The instruction product option allows you to add text, html, and links that will only show in your product options page. Great for adding descriptive text about your options that won't show in the cart and checkout.
Edit a Virtual Option and check the box required.
The customer has to select one of these options to add the product to the cart. If they don't then there will be a message asking them to select an option.
Shopify options are all required by default and can't be changed.
Checkboxes ...
When our app needs to display text, it will use the values from the bcpoStrings JavaScript object.
You can change the default values with the code below. replacing the text between the single quotes:
var bcpoStrings = {
choose_one: 'Choose one',
quantity: 'Quantity',
Shopify Options
For Shopify Options you have the option of selecting the first available variant when the product page loads.
To load the first available variant follow these instructions.
Open the app
Click on Settings in the navigation
Go to Auto Select First Variant
Turn thi...
By default the price add-ons show right above the add to cart button like in the example below.
You can make the price change for the product's main price in the settings.
Open the app
Click on the Settings link in the navigation
Go to the "Add Price Add-ons to Main Price" setting...
If your theme has the functionality to show the main image instead of the selected variant on load you can do that with these settings.
Open the app
Click on Settings in the navigation
Go to Show First Variant's Image on Load
Select Off
Click Save
If your theme doesn't ha...
To allow users to override the inventory controls and pre-order an out of stock option you can allow turn on "Continue selling when out of stock" for each variant.
In your Shopify admin, open a product.
Go to the variants section and edit a variant.
Click the checkbox in the screenshot be...
Global options only work for Shopify Options
Setting up Default Options for Shopify Options
Click on Settings in the app's navigation
Select an option for Default Settings for Shopify Options
click Save (at the bottom of the page).
Global Colors & Global Auto Images