Virtual Product Option Types

Virtual Options let you get past the  3 option/ 100 variant limits of Shopify options and create infinite options and values.

  • They support add-on prices with our Advanced Plan.
  • Images can’t be associated with variants (they don’t change when the variant is selected)
  • No inventory control.
  • Can be hidden with conditional logic (Advanced Plan)
  • Can have multi-select options.
  • No SKU policy.


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Color Swatches

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Image Swatches

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Long Text

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File Upload

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Shopify limits file uploads to 20 mb.

Radio Buttons

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Checkboxes let users select and deselect multiple options. If you need your customer to only select 1 option you should use radio buttons.

Great for collecting prescription data.


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Add text, html, and links that will only show in your product options. Great for adding descriptive text about your options.

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