Price Add-ons

Price add-ons for Virtual Options are available in our Advanced Plan. Make sure you have upgraded to the Advanced Plan in order to see these options in the app.

After you have added some values for a virtual option you will see boxes popup where you can add price add-ons to the corresponding values.

These price add-ons by default will show as “Selection will add…” above the add to cart button.

You can add negative prices as price add-ons but at checkout the price of the product can never go lower then the price listed in Shopify.

You can also add these price add-ons to the main price with a setting in our app.

  • Open the app
  • Click on Settings in the navigation
  • Go to Add price Add-ons to Main Price
  • Select On
  • Click Save

Price add-ons aren’t aren’t available with the grid product option and aren’t compatible with Shopify’s discount code box. Read this article to add the discount code box to you cart.
If you are having any issues with the Price Add-ons not showing in the cart or checkout please email us
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