Bulk Product Discount is a FREE app that lets you generate discounts for products in your store.

Now you cann apply discounts to products in just few simple steps


Create discount for specific products by using product name or for all the products under a single vendor by using vendor name.
You can also create collections (For e.g. Spring Collection or categories like clothes, shoes, etc.) and apply discount to all the products under these collections.
Search suggestions (autocomplete) when you write product name
Keep track of how many discounts has been applied
Apply/Remove any discount listed
An on-off button that helps you to apply/remove any discount as well as shows you the current status of discount
Delete any discount listed in just 2 clicks.

How it works:

Click on “Create Discount”
Choose any option from Select dicount by: Vendor Name, Product Name or Collection
Enter the name of Vendor/Product/Collection
Choose discount type: Flat or Perecentage
Enter the discount value
Press Submit

Voila! Your discount has been generated and applied to the product.

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