Topics: Getting Started

How to edit the size chart description

The Top and Bottom description is where you put the information about the size chart that will appear above and below the size chart. You can also use images and style the information. Adding Images To add an image click on the    icon. If you align the image left or right the text will wra...

How to change the size chart location (app blocks)

2.0 Themes If you have a 2.0 Theme that allows app blocks you can easily place the size chart link in your product template. Here are some instructions on how to do this. Open BF Size Charts Click on Settings in the navigation. Click on the Create custom size chart location link ...

How to create a size chart

Create Size Chart Open BF Size Charts & Size Guides and click the Add size chart button. Next click the Edit button to edit the size chart you just added. Title  This is what the title of the size chart is going to be that shows on the top of the size chart popup. Descript...

Adding products, tags, and collections to a size chart

At the bottom of your size chart you will see a section called Associated Products.  Select All Products if you want the size chart to show on all the products in your store. Select Products Matching any Condition Below and select which products, collections, tags, or vendors where you want th...

How do I install BF Size Charts?

You will see the install warning on the dashboard if you haven't enabled the app embed on the published theme. Once you enable the app embed this message will go away when the page is refreshed. You can also enable or disable our app in the Installation section of our app: Open BF Size C...

How to add multiple size charts to the the same size chart popup (Parent Size Chart)

This feature is only available on our Advanced Plan On the Dashboard, click the edit size chart button for the size chart you want to add to another size chart. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Where it says Parent Size Chart click the dropdown and find the size chart you want to ...

How to change the size chart location manually with code

2.0 Themes If you have a 2.0 Theme that allows app blocks you can click on the article below to place the size chart in your product template. Manually place code in theme If you have an older theme that doesn’t sup...

Copy and paste spreadsheet data into size chart

You are now able to copy and paste spreadsheet data into our app's size chart. These instructions only work on Chrome Browsers. Other browsers won't allow you to copy and paste data First copy some spreadsheet data (google docs, excel, etc.) Open BF Size Charts and the size chart you want...