Topics: FAQ

Why is the wrong size chart appearing on the product page

Most likely you have the wrong product associated with the size chart that is currently showing. The product may be part of a collection, tag, or vendor connected to the size chart. You can remove the product, collection, tag, or vendor incorrectly associated with the size chart. Also make sure t...

Export/ Backup Size Chart Data

You can export/ backup the size chart data by following the steps below. Open BF Size Charts Click on Data in our app's navigation Click Save File If you want to add the size charts to a second store please Install BF Size Charts to your second store to import the data to the new...

Collaborator Request Code

Collaborator request codes, previously an opt-in feature, is now enabled by default for all new merchants. You can find this code by following the directions below: Go to your Shopify Dashboard Click Settings Plans and Permissions Scroll down to Collaborator Accounts You can ...

Size Chart data limitation

Although there aren't any limitations in our app on how many size charts you can have. Shopify does have a limit on how many characters can be used. Our app uses metafields to store all the data of your size charts. Shopify has a limit of 4,000,000 characters for a metafield.

Why isn’t my size chart showing up?

There are a few reasons why the size chart isn't showing. Your pages may be cached and you will need to clear your cache by opening your website on an incognito or private browsing window. Double-check that there is a size chart associated with the product you’re viewing. Our app's code i...

Why don’t I see the size charts when I preview a theme?

You will need enable our app embed on the unpublished theme for it to work properly. Click the link below for more info.  

I published a new theme and now the app doesn’t work

You will need enable our app embed on the new theme for it to work properly. Click the link below for more info.  

How to whitelist our email

A whitelist is an email client's list of trusted senders. You can whitelist our email with a few easy clicks to make sure we are added to your address book and your list of safe senders by opening that email and verifying that you trust the sender and the information in the email. Gmail (Webmail ...