Why is the wrong size chart appearing on the product page

Most likely you have the wrong product associated with the size chart that is currently showing. The product may be part of a collection, tag, or vendor connected to the size chart.

You can remove the product, collection, tag, or vendor incorrectly associated with the size chart. Also make sure the product is associated with the correct size chart you want to show. Click here for more information on how to associate products, collections, tags, and vendors to a size chart.

You can also move the correct size chart higher on the list of size charts in the app’s dashboard. The size chart that is the highest on the list will have priority and be shown on the product page.

In the example below if the same product is associated with the two size charts below, the “Pants Size Chart” will show because it is higher on the list of size charts.

If you change the order of the size charts and move the “Shirt Size Chart” above the “Pants Size Chart”, the “Shirt Size Chart” will have priority for the product. You can use the up and down arrows on the left of the size chart title to re-order the size charts.

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