Topics: Email Notifications

Email Notifications Overview

To get our apps virtual options to show up correctly in the email notifications, you will need to edit the code in those email notifications. Follow the instructions on the pages below or send us an email ticket and we'll add the code for you. Order Confirmation (email sent to customer) N...

New Order (email sent to staff)

To get our apps Virtual Options to show up correctly in the New Order email notifications  (sent to staff), you will need to add some code to your template. Go to your Shopify dashboard Select Settings (bottom left) Select Notifications Select Staff notifications C...

Order Confirmation (email sent to customer)

To get our apps Virtual Options to show up correctly on the Order Confirmation email you will need to add some code to your email template. Go to your Shopify dashboard Select Settings Select Notifications Select Customer Notifications Under Order Processing click Order Confirmation...

Adding Virtual Option Data to Invoices, Packing Slips and other Notifications

To edit notifications that get sent to you or to your customers, check out this article To edit invoices or packing slips, you'll need to install this free app created by the Shopify team: Shopify's Order Printer app. Every template is different, but you should be able to find a place where th...

Abandoned Checkout

To get our app's virtual options to show up correctly in the Abandoned Checkout email notification, you will need to add some code. Go to your Shopify dashboard Select Settings (bottom left) Select Notifications Select Customer Notifications Click on Abandoned Chec...