Triggmine helps online retailers grow faster with AI-based email marketing automation.

With Triggmine’s help, even a beginner can send automated email sequences like the pros do.

Our solution connects to the online store, tracks each customer behavior and generates individual email sequences. Every store’s client receives highly personalized email sequence.
Just imagine – thousands of individual campaigns, including content customization, conditions, incentives.
No manual work, no tutorials, just 30 minutes for Triggmine’s AI to analyze the data and start sending.

The best part?

Triggmine understands the relationship between your business and each and every customer. This knowledge is used to create and send a relevant email sequence to lead the person to the next stage of the customer journey – transitioning from a stranger to the most loyal customer.

Triggmine is the first truly intelligent solution on the marke that is focused on the needs of online retailers. And we do know their needs, so the solution is super easy to use – it only takes 10 minutes to automate everything and get back to business while our algorithms do the rest.

What you’ll get inside:

Email Automation library crafted specifically for eCommerce with already set up workflows, email templates designed for 11 different industries and subject lines!

  • Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are a brilliant opportunity to make a great first impression, convey key brand values and lay the groundwork for purchases.

  • Browse Abandoned

Using the categories and products that a visitor browses on your store to tempt them back on-site later is a proven technique for driving revenue.

  • Abandoned Carts Recovery

Cart abandonment emails are a tried-and-tested way of winning back some of the revenue left on the table when would-be customers fail to complete a purchase.

  • Post-Purchase Emails

Creating loyalty and driving repeat purchases is a vital part of retention marketing. The time following any purchase is vital for setting the stage for further shopping.

  • Win-Back Customers

Targeting lapsed customers with win-back emails can be a good way of reactivating them.

  • Replenishment Emails

Encourage repeat purchases, by sending emails to those who have bought consumable products.

  • Best Customer

Some customers are more valuable than others.Reward your best customers’ loyalty, and they will continue to create substantial ROI.

  • Greetings

It’s your customer’s birthday or an anniversary? Offer them a present. It can be a discount or a gift card.

…and dozens of other custom email workflows, that you can create with a step-by-step workflows editor.