A quick and functional way to list your Shopify inventory on Sears.com Marketplace. A special, free solution offer from Sears for Shopify users to sign up for the Marketplace. Currently the Marketplace is not open for the general public to sign up, so by using the app and providing the code below Sears is providing you with special access to the curated community of sellers and providing access to millions of shoppers on Sears.com.
Sears will then email you information to help you get started:
List items, including product attributes, revise your listings seamlessly right from your Shopify portal.
Orders from Sears are automatically pulled into your Shopify portal through our seamless integration.
Easily confirm orders and post tracking back to Sears within your Shopify portal.
Once you process a cancellation/refund within Sears, it will automatically be reflected within your Shopify portal.
You will need to sign up for a Sears.com Marketplace account.
Once your account is approved you will receive a confirmation email from Sears that your account is active and ready for use. Sears will then email information to help you get started:
Vendor Information Guide
Best Practices Webinar link