Increase your sales on your Shopify store through “word-of-mouth” marketing!

Studies have shown that people are ten times more likely to buy a product when referred by a friend. Why not let your customers do your advertising for you?

Launch a “Refer-A-Friend” program quickly and easily with Conjured Referrals.

Boost Sales, Reach New Customers, & Foster Loyalty

Encourage customers to refer their friends. If their friend buys, your customer gets a discount, and your revenue increases. Everybody wins!

Never Leave Your Shopify Dashboard

Tired of keeping track of a million different accounts to manage your store’s features? With Conjured Referrals, you can manage your referral program right from your Shopify Dashboard! Review a wide array of statistics and check on the success of your campaign without ever leaving Shopify.

Fully Automated

Discount codes or Gift Cards are created automatically, so there’s no need for manual entry. All emails sent via the app are also automated, so you can just “set it and forget it”.

Fully Customizable

Every screen your customer sees is completely customizable. Not technical? No problem – out of the box, the app adapts to your site’s style. Want more control? If you know HTML and CSS, you can completely change the look/feel to be completely unique to your site. Plus, there’s NO “Powered By” branding!

Built For Serious Shopify Brands

Conjured Referrals was built specifically with the needs of serious brands in mind. Our lean team provides a superior level of support and can implement new feature request quickly. We offer free installation/customization services, and, unlike other apps, we NEVER charge any commission/transaction fees.

How Easy Is It Really?

  • Pick the rewards to offer your customers and their friends.
  • Decide where you want to display the referral (after they purchase, on your homepage, via email, etc).
  • Customize the referral program’s style and wording – no technical knowledge required!

How Does Conjured Referrals Work?

  • Your customers share a referral link via email, Twitter, or Facebook.
  • Their friend gets a unique coupon.
  • Once the friend makes a purchase, the referrer gets their own discount or gift card (Shopify Plus only) as a reward.

What Else Can It Do?

  • Prevent fraud and self-referrals through several powerful and sophisticated settings.
  • Add emails to your Mailchimp/Klaviyo/Omnisend mailing lists.
  • Send reminder emails.
  • Optionally block referrals sent to existing customers. Send them a different email instead!
  • Generate either a unique link for each referral or a static link for each advocate.
  • Optionally limit referrals to only be redeemed once.
  • Optionally display the number of successful referrals an advocate has made.
  • Works with any currency!