The Best Web Push Notifications Solution Provider To Boost Your Sales And Customer Retention Easily
Get Exit Intent Popups, Email Capture Forms and Unlimited Push Notifications
Everything for FREE!
PushFlew has helped over 10,000 stores to boost their revenue by using the huge variety of notifications available.
Some of our features designed especially for e-commerce stores on Shopify include:
- Unlimited push notifications
- Order updates
- Delivery notifications
- Promotional and sale pushes
- Abandoned cart notifications
- Advanced segmentation on the basis
- Automated Drip Campaigns for Content Marketing
- UpSelling and Cross Selling Campaigns
- Pop-ups after x% page scrolling
- A/B test your messages
- Add multiple websites to a single account
- Campaign and subscriber analytics
Why choose us?
- Unlimited messages, subscribers as well as websites and everything available to you for free
- No spying or selling of data. We respect your privacy
- Display push prompts on the basis of user-triggered actions like when they try to exit the website, after a certain time delay or after they have scrolled x% of your website
- Build email lists faster with customizable email capture popups
- Increase your user engagement rate with automated push notifications for every purpose
- Cart Abandonment won’t be your nightmare any longer. Reduce it easily using our special abandon cart pop-ups that are automatically sent to the users when they have some items left in their cart
- Tired of running Paid Ads that don’t reap any results? Using PushFlew can help capture your paid traffic and increase your visitor’s lifespan with URL (source) based retargeting
- Personalized offers, order status, upselling and cross-selling to notify your users effectively
- Personal PushFlew assistant for your account to guide you and give you tips at each and every step