Easily Install the Tracking Pixel and Product catalog required to advertise on Facebook with our ‘no coding’ one-click installation!

Simply solves the technical pain of creating aFacebook Catalog for Dynamic Product Adverts

Created with Shopify’s Polaris framework to work right in the heart of your store!

Our Product Feed is secured with HTTPS and has full support for products with or without variants, unlimited numbers of products and our unique One-Click Google Shopping Category fix with no need to install the Google Shopping App!

Correct code is automatically installed to fire the PageView, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and Purchase events with no additional installation required.

Easily create Niche audiences or custom conversions using our unique product tagging functionality

Support for every theme with no additional setup required. Easy one-click reinstall of code on a theme change.

Support for popular third party checkout apps such as One Click Upsell

Now with FREE marketing training from Chris Blair!

Before installing Pixel Perfect, Please check:
* You have a Facebook Pixel ID (required)
* Your store is clean with no existing Facebook pixels installed
* You should have no existing Facebook tracking code in the “additional scripts to run after checkout” section of your store