is a smart email marketing platform that gives you rich contacts, beyond just a name and an email.

Smarter Contacts

Your customers are more than just a name and email. Add social, purchasing, and behavioral data to the mix.

  • Unify data sources – Connect Shopify, MailChimp, CRMs and other data sets to get the full picture.
  • Social data enrichment – Automatically see what your audience is interested in, what they post online, and more.
  • Custom tags – Organize and filter your audience based on purchase data, social actions, age, location, or hundreds of other characteristics.

Beautiful, Timely Emails

Create delightful email campaigns and send them to the right people.

  • Simple email editor – Easy to use WYSIWYG template creator.
  • Automated campaigns – Save time by automating emails based on a newsletter signup, purchase, or social action.
  • Powerful reporting – the data you need to run tests and continue to send better emails.

Simple Email Collection

Email capture campaigns that are easy to setup, and even easier to enter.

  • Easily collect email addresses – create contests, polls, newsletter signups, and more.
  • Auto-collect social data – Campaigns that give you rich contact profiles as soon as you launch them.
  • All of your campaigns in one place – Easily deploy campaigns, track results, and organize your contacts in one place.

Enterprise plans are available, see our pricing details for more information!