One click integration with Heap.

Heap Analytics is a new take on site activity measurement. It makes analytics simple and fun.

Heap Analytics tracks every pageview, click, form field change, swipe and tap automatically.

But it takes a bit of work to get it set up for Shopify in the best way, and for the full picture you need to integrate your shop’s admin events as well as the storefront ones.

Install Heapify to immediately track customer events from your store, and link storefront sessions to customer data from your admin.

50,000 free sessions per month.

Heap has a free tier that tracks 50,000 user sessions per month – enough for many stores.

Earn more from existing traffic. See the full picture.

Heapify monitors your customers’ profiles and adds them to user sessions in Heap, allowing advanced customer segmenting. This includes adding Shopify tags to customer records in Heap.

Find the conversion bottlenecks on your site and earn more from the traffic you already have.