Gleam is a online competitions platform designed to help you grow & engage your community.

We’re trusted by over 10,000+ businesses around the world on a monthly basis to run beautiful campaigns that convert.

Create Competitions in 5 Minutes

Gleam has an intuitive drag & drop interface that allows you to design any competition to meet your business needs.

We also natively integrate with Shopify to allow you to install your campaign to a Shopify page or you can also manually embed our campaign onto your Pages (or even put them in your theme).

How is Gleam Used?

  • Want more Sales? – Embed the campaign directly on your store so users engage with your brand
  • Want more Newsletter signups? – Simply drop in our Newsletter action type and sync with your email provider
  • Want to drive more awareness – Enable our viral referral action type
  • Want more social followers? – Just drop in Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud or Instagram.

Huge List of Entry Methods

We are constantly growing the list of action types that you can use inside Gleam here’s a list:

  • App Install
  • Bonus – Give daily bonus entries
  • Custom / Build your own
  • Discord
  • Disqus Comments
  • Eventbrite
  • Facebook Check-in
  • Facebook Login + Optional Like
  • Facebook Visit + Optional Like
  • Facebook Media – Allows you to get customers to submit pictures directly from their Facebook stream as an entry)
  • File Upload
  • IndieGoGo
  • Instagram Visit
  • Instagram View
  • Instagram Media – Allows you to get customers to submit pictures directly from their Instagram stream as an entry)
  • Kickstarter
  • LinkedIn Follow
  • LinkedIn Share
  • Mixer
  • Newsletter Signup (Sync with 30+ Email Providers)
  • Pinterest Visit
  • Pinterest Board / Select
  • Questions – Single, Multiple Choice, Choose Image
  • Secret Code
  • Snapchat
  • Spotify
  • SoundCloud Follow
  • SoundCloud Like
  • SoundCloud Repost
  • Steam Join Group
  • Steam Played Games
  • Twitter Follow
  • Tweet Something
  • Twitter Hashtag Comp
  • Typeform
  • Follow
  • Vimeo
  • Viral Share – Award users for referring friends
  • Visit – Give entries for visiting a page
  • YouTube – Let users watch a video

We Support Over 30+ Common Email Marketing Providers

We support all the email marketing providers that you already love and use with Shopify including Mailchimp, Klaviuyo, ConverKit + more!

Run Photo Contests

Gather awesome photos from social sources or get your users to upload the photos directly to your Competition and show them off in a beautiful Gallery on your Shopify Store with our Gallery app.