Deep data integration is here. You’re now able to build great relevant email marketing campaigns based on segmented data. Next order and product data fields are synced to Constant Contact so you can start building campaigns that realy matter. Read how you can use Constant Contact’s Blog ‘Contact Management & Segmentation Resources’ here.

Deep data fields:

  • Custom_field_1 -> Total Spent
  • Custom_field_2 -> Number Of Orders
  • Custom_field_3 -> Customer Tags
  • Custom_field_4 -> Last Order Price
  • Custom_field_5 -> Last Order Currency
  • Custom_field_6 -> Last Order Product Name
  • Custom_field_7 -> Total Products
  • Custom_field_8 -> SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
  • Custom_field_9 -> Last Order Product Category
  • Custom_field_10 -> Order Tags

Popup Forms

Turn website visitors into contacts with a customizable Pop-up Sign-up Form. Our sign-up form options give you the ability to create a pop-up form on your website. When customers land on your page, the form pops up and asks visitors to join your contact lists. Our app automatically installs the popup form on your webshop.

About this app

  • Synchronizes customers and newsletter subscribers to the Constant Contact list you select.
  • Stores relevant customer data in your Constant Contact account. Name, email address and order information can all be synced to your Constant Contact account to help segment your audience.
  • Synchronizes your customer data to your Constant Contact campaign every 15 minutes so your Constant Contact email list remains up-to-date.

About Constant Contact

As an industry leader for over 15 years, Constant Contact makes email marketing simple. Their easy-to-use solution lets you quickly create beautiful, professional-looking emails that get meaningful results more customers, more sales, and more revenue.
Here are a few reasons to take advantage of Email Marketing from Constant Contact:
* Great Looking Emails – Save time by choosing one of the hundreds of mobile-friendly email templates that you can quickly and easily customize to match your website and brand.
* Free Award-Winning Coaching and Support – Their email solution comes with free coaching, and online and local education from marketing experts that are as committed to your success as you are.
* Higher Deliverability Rate – Strong relationships with ISP’s lead to high email deliverability rates. Constant Contact has a deliverability rate of over 97

About us as a partner

This Constant Contact App is powered by Combidesk, 280 Madison Avenue, NY 10016, Unites States.

Terms of Use

By installing the connector you automatically agree with the terms of use prepared by Combidesk.

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