Turn your products and categories into high quality ads

Connect your Shopify store to Cobiro, and let us set up automated ads on the Google Advertising Network from your product catalogue.

Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) is Google’s advertising system where advertisers bid on keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google’s search results.

Cobiro automates the creation, maintenance and bid management of ads, so you can focus on running your business instead.

Automated product feed

We generate your product feed based on your product catalogue

Always updated

Your products, availability and pricing will be updated every day

Merchant Center setup

Full setup of a new Google Merchant Center — or we can reuse your existing Merchant Center
Creation and maintenance of Google Shopping ads in Google Ads

Coming soon

  • Fully automated Cobiro Bid Engine: automatically optimising your bids for the best possible performance
  • Search Campaigns for your categories on Google Ads
  • Automatically imported global tax and shipping rules synchronised with the Google Merchant Center