Marketing Analytics for Humans helps you make smart marketing decisions by making it crystal clear where your customers are coming from. Never wonder if your latest ad campaign or social media push is working or not. We use your actual customer data to tell you whats working so you never have to waste time on unproductive channels again.

What you get

See your top performing traffic sources right away, no configuration or complicated settings to mess with. Our independent platform will never double-count conversions again, a common problem with reporting from ad networks.

Every single number in your dashboard ties directly back to a single person’s purchase. You can dive in and see the data at any level – from looking at all of your Social Media campaigns all the way down to viewing an individual person’s browsing experience through checkout.

We’re here to help! Have questions about your marketing results? Shoot us a note and we’ll do our best to make you successful.

Results on site and in your Inbox

You can see your marketing results on site or sign-up for a daily/weekly email to stay on top of recent campaigns.

Optimize your pages too

Not only can you optimize your inbound channels, you can also see which pages visitors are looking at before purchasing. You know everyone looks at your checkout pages, but which other pages is everyone reading before converting?

Using Google Analytics?

You will find this is much, much easier to use and get meaningful results from. There is no setup, no configuration and no pixels to drop.

You can clearly see the best performing traffic and dive all the way down to individual campaign and link performance, and even see the individual events and customers.