Have you ever had this happen? Potential customers visit your website, carefully look at your products, but just leave without registering. When this happens, you know you lost an interested buyer who spent time looking at your products. Obviously, they have interest in what you offer. But now they’re gone. Wouldn’t you like a second chance to convert them into a sale?
How would you get them back? It is no use to pursue email marketing or shopping cart recovery. A Retargeting Campaign is the answer! With Ako Retargeting Campaign your product offerings appear on the Facebook and Instagram timeline of those prospects who showed interest in your product catalog. Using advanced technology, we can track what products they are interested in and turn them into customers by timely remarketing!
- Have full ownership of your Ad Account on Facebook —
Ads performance is not a black box anymore. You can see the updated and transparent data from Facebook Ads Manager directly, and know where your budget goes clearly. And, of course, you can easily check it on our real time dashboard without leaving your Shopify panel.
- Support multiple Ad formats —
With different Ad formats (carousel and collection/canvas), you can easily attract audience’s attention and hugely enhance ad performance.
- Support multiple channels and Ad placements —
Facebook, Instagram, or Messenger? Mobile Feeds, Marketplace, Right Column, or Audience Network?
You can choose the ones work the best for you.
- Support different product sets —
Do you have the products that you don’t want to promote or that you want to focus on during the peak seasons? You can exclude or add them in our app to manage your spending wisely. It’s as easy as setting a product collection on Shopify panel.
- Support multiple Ad campaigns —
You can create various combination of different products, Ad formats, and Ad placements to do A/B testing and maximize your ROI.
- Best techniques on your retargeting audience —
We apply the the best practices like excluding customers who have purchased on your website within a certain period of time from your retargeting audience to reach the highest ROI.
- Support product-based targeting Ads —
You can target those who have expressed interest in products that similar to yours.
- Do I need to know how to code?
No, no coding skill required. Just a few clicks and you are all set!
- Can I pause the campaign, adjust the budget or update the Ad content?
Yes, anytime.
- Do I need to prepaid a certain amount before I create the campaign?
No, just pay for your Ads campaign AFTER it works well.