Topics: Compatibility

Product Option selections aren’t showing in ShipStation

In order to make our app's data visible in ShipStation you will need to make the shipping required for our app's product options. Add this code to the theme.liquid file after the <head> tag. <script> /* make shipping required */ function bcpoFirst() { bcpo_settings.requires_sh...

How to Translate BF Size Charts with the Translate and Adapt App

Open the Translate & Adapt App. Go to the Store metadata and click Edit. Translate BF Size Charts text Go to the  "sizechartsrelentless.size_charts" Metafield. Copy and paste the code over to translate the code to other languages. Translate the Button Text of the Size Char...

How to get the Express theme working with our app

By default, the Express theme opens products in an overlay that isn't compatible with our app. Clicking Themes in your dashboard (under Sales Channels) Click on Customize Go to Theme Settings Click on Style Uncheck the checkbox called Display product pages in an overlay Clear...

How to get the size chart data translated with Weglot

To get our product options translated in Weglot add these dynamic elements. Weglot > Other Options > Dynamic Elements Add the following .scr-open-size-chart .scr-modal

Options don’t appear on first load, only after refreshed (Turbo theme)

There is a problem with the Turbo theme where our app doesn't appear when the page first loads. You can fix this by; Clicking Themes in your dashboard (under Sales Channels) Click on Customize Go to Theme Settings Click on Performance Change the page transition to Sport ...