How do I change the styling of the terms and conditions checkbox app (CSS)?

In this article

This article has some CSS snippets that you can add to your theme.

Add the code snippet to your theme.liquid file right after the first <head>  tag at the top of the page (see screenshot below). If you need more instructions click the link below.

CSS snippets

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Change spacing above and below the terms and conditions checkbox

/* Change spacing above and below the terms and conditions checkbox */
.terms-relentless {
margin-bottom: 14px !important;
margin-top: 0px !important;

Change color of terms and conditions link

/* Change color of terms and conditions link */
.terms-relentless a {
color: #227CED !important;
.terms-relentless a:hover {
color: #005ACC !important;

Change text from all capital letters to normal

/* Change text from all capital letters to normal */
.terms-relentless label {
text-transform: none !important;
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